Monday, January 25, 2010

Healthy Living Series - The Yogourt Maker

The Healthy Living Series will be about little tips and tricks you can learn to eat as clean as possible ! I wish to eliminate as much junk as possible in what I eat, and I want to be able to share my experiments with you.

This week is about making yogourt. No, it's not only about a litre of milk that you simply forget on the counter overnight. Actually, you need a yogourt maker and yogourt starter (Lyophilised dairy culture.) in order to make great yogourt.

I recently tasted homemade yogourt and that's what made me want to switch from commercial to homemade. I do NOT want starch or gelatin in my yogourt. I want milk. And bugs (The culture). Nothing else, thank you very much. The list of fillers and additives is even longer in the case of flavored yogourt. So I decided to ask for an electric yogourt maker for my birthday, which is on March 12th.

Saturday, while shopping with my mother, I ended up looking at one specific yogourt maker, and she decided to buy it, as an early birthday gift. The one we got is what's pictured on the left. It is Lyo-San's Yogourmet Multi. I can make up to two litres of yogourt, with regular or probiotic dairy culture, for half the price of prepared yogourt. Awesome !!!

Depending on the dairy culture you get, it can take up to 15 hours to get to the results you want, but it's well worth it, in my opinion. I usually get Yogourmet's Probiotic Culture.

I made my first batch of yogourt on Saturday evening, just before closing the kitchen for the night. I brought the milk to a boil and then watched the temperature go down to around 25°C, the recommended temperature for probiotic culture to be safely inoculated without killing it. (If your temperature is too high, you will kill your bugs, and you won't get the results expected.) I mixed the culture with the milk, turned on the yogourt maker, and forgot the whole thing on the counter, until the next morning.

In order to stop the fermenting process, just stick your pot of fresh yogourt in the refrigerator for 8 hours, then enjoy !

This morning, I had mine with a bit of vanilla extract, granola, and honey. Delish !

Want to know a bit more about the Yogourmet products ? Visit

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